Monday, May 9, 2011

Dreaming of Blu-rays

Hello guys and gals, I got some great news! Yesterday I got a pretty little package at my doorstep with a box full of Blu-rays. So now I got almost a week’s worth of content for you all and I am really excited about it. Today I am going to slam you with my second Christopher Nolan film of my collection: Inception. Now many people, I would even say a solid majority of Americans that saw Inception, thought it was the best thing in the world. I was not among them. I actually liked Shutter Island more than Inception. I thought there was a bigger mind blower, I thought the plot and setting were more interesting, and I think Leonardo DiCaprio had to put more effort into the role. Not to say I didn’t hate the movie though or that I’m  bashing it in anyway, I just thought Shutter Island was an overall better film. What do you guys think about Inception

There is no doubt however, that its visuals are beautiful on Blu-ray. They are probably the best that I have seen so far in my collection. The film’s city streets, flourishing green parks, narrow yet warm hotel hallways, dark, cloudy beaches and snowy, ice cold military bunkers are overflowing with bold, beautiful colors, and amazing contrasts.

The Blu-Ray comes with a DVD and Digital Copy of the film (My only other combo like that has been Fantastic Mr. Fox) and comes with another disc filled with about two hours of special features. There is no audio commentary which is a huge bummer for me, but I’ll live. The special feature disc comes with a thing called Extraction Mode which is more or less a behind the scenes type deal with Nolan himself talking about the film and explaining certain scenes. If you loved the whole dreaming concept of the movie, Nolan goes into great depth about it which is pretty cool. It also comes with a soundtrack that is presented in 5.1 surround sound. A little odd because the screen is just black while the 10 tracks play but it is pretty cool. There is a 15 minute Inception prequel that explains how the characters Cobb, Arthur and Nash were hired by Cobol Engineering. Hardcore fans of the movie will jizz over this one. Lastly there is a documentary included called “Dreams: Cinema of the Subconscious.” (Which I think my blogger friend LadyS would like =D) It gathers a group of doctors, psychologists, theorists, authors, professors and other experts to dissect the science of sleep.

So I bought this Blu-ray on Amazon for $14.99 which is pretty great seeing as it comes with 3 versions of the movie and over 2 hours of special features. It is now $18.99 and I would still recommend getting it for that price. This is the perfect Blu-ray to show off to your friends.


  1. congrats for your news blu-ray :) and inception movie is also good!

  2. I don't get why people like inception so much, it really wasn't THAT good in my opinion. Yes, the budget was huge and some of the effects were really neat ( especially the one where the whole city bended ). Trying to say this without spoiling anything, but cmon, who didn't see that very last shot coming after watching the movie for like 20 minutes, cliché to the max.

    Have fun with your new Blu-rays!

  3. Good review. I need to check it out on blu-ray.

  4. I got the blu-ray when it came out as I loved the movie so much.

    Since you think shutter island was better I shall also watch that sometime!

  5. nice review! i really liked the movie

  6. i still need to watch this this..

  7. I really liked Inception. It was a movie worth seeing in the cinema.

  8. I happened to like in inception

  9. I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard it from EVERYONE. That and all the 'We have to go deeper' jokes.

  10. Still yet to have seen it. The movie keeps avoiding me!

  11. Inception is one of the best movies ever. And I'm not just saying that because it has to do with Lucid dreaming ;)

  12. it is a great fckn movie! i really like it but i gotta say that some people overreact when they talk about this movie. you bought it for such a good price btw! :o

  13. Must be a goddamn great movie to see in blu-ray

  14. You're pretty darn good at this, will be fun following your progress :)

  15. I don't have a Blu-Ray player, but if I were to get one, it'd be for this movie. Great review

  16. Great movie, great choice! The special features seem nice too.

  17. Is it sad that I still liked the visual effects of Wall-E more than Inception? I don't know, I liked the movie and the graphics were great, but come on, it's Wall-E. :P

  18. You see my friend. Shutter ISland was much much better then Inception +1 great review!

  19. I seriously didn't like that movie or should I say the first half hour of it. I stopped watching after that and put back in the mail to Netflix.

  20. Congratulations on the great review!

  21. i dind't like that move, but the price sound fair!!

  22. Oh wow, only 19 bucks? That's a really nice deal for a really awesome movie.

  23. Inception is an amazing movie IMO

  24. Yeah I liked Inception very much.

  25. I loved inception, it was a pretty good movie. the japanese guy was really cool

  26. i haven't watched inception and don't exactly plan to unless it is put on tv. I didn't feel like enough people said it was amazing for me to go see it. Avatar i saw because everyone was mindblown, i thought avatar was okay so I don't know what to expect from Inception.

    The extras seem quite good compared to most films

  27. I love Inception, Got it on Blu-Ray :D

  28. I don't exactly hate Inception, but it is probably my biggest letdown of all time

  29. I totally understand what you mean man. When I buy a collector's edition of a really good game I have a similar feeling!

  30. I need to see this movie too - nice review shutter island was a great movie

  31. 5 years top, blu-ray will be outdated

  32. I loved this movie, but never understood why he didn't just take the kids to France instead of going through all that crap to get back home.

    That's just me tho.

  33. Because... If that was the case then no movie :P

    Awesome movie though, And was happy when he got home finally

  34. I didn't really like Inception as I felt it was too "summer blockbuster" for me. Great purchase though!

  35. I was so cinfused by the end of inception that it ruined the whole movie for me

  36. I thought Inception was an ok movie, but I think I would actually get just for the awesome graphics I expect from a bluray !

  37. I thought Shutter Island was a bit too predictable. Inception was great :)

  38. loved the movie! Especially the "you are waiting for a train..." thingy
