Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hating Pixar with a Passion!

Shazam! Blu number two and it is Fantastic Mr. Fox from 2009 starring George Clooney and Meryl Streep. Bet you never saw this one in theaters. It's an adaptation from children's book legend Roald Dahl's book of the same name. It has a very distinct, charming visual style that when seen on Blu-ray, makes everything seem real to the touch. Another thing I found interesting about this movie is that actors Clooney and Streep didn't just say their lines in a studio, they actually went to locations that matched the environment of the movie so the sounds and the ambiance would feel real even though they are not actually acting.
See this movie!! Note how real the fur looks. I love this visual style
 It is sad to me that most people didn't catch this film because nobody will watch anything without the Pixar name stamped all around it. There is nothing special about a Pixar movie okay? It's the same predictable childish plot and characters over and over again that children, parents, and hipster emo teens that shop at Hot Topic adore. My challenge to all of you guys is to watch an animated film that is not made by Disney or Pixar this month and see how you like it. Anybody with me?

Anyways the movie looks amazing on Blu-ray. As of today it is still on sale for only $9.99 on Amazon. It's visuals received and 4.5/5 and the audio received a 4/5 from and I think they totally deserve it. The film was shot with Nikon D3 digital still cameras and the lenses really make the film look beautiful. You will marvel at how pristine the film looks and how you can see every individual strand of fur on the characters. If you are a fan of stop-motion animation then you will shit your pants at how amazing this film looks.

It contains a six part documentary series on how the movie was made and how director Wes Anderson took inspiration from Dahl's book. It also has a fun video on how to play one of the made up games in the movie called Whack-Bat.

So my collection so far is The Dark Knight and Fantastic Mr. Fox no sort of pattern here so far, let's see what I get next! Thanks for reading.


  1. Have to disagree about the pixar thing, their movies are alot better than most cartoon movies out there. That doesn't mean they are the only ones making good movies. I'm in on that challange by the way.

  2. I remember seeing previews for this. Isn't it a stop-motion animated film? At least it looks that way based on that poster.

  3. Thanks for this review! I didn't catch this in theaters, but I really wanted to see it. Great blog -- following :)

  4. I think I'm gonna end up checking this out. Nice review.

  5. I disagree completely about Pixar. On the other hand, ofcourse there are good animated films that aren't Pixar's (How To Train Your Dragon was very nice).

  6. I personally don't have anything against Pixar, but to ignore anything not made by them is indeed quite silly. I might have to check this one out!

  7. I like pixar, but I'd like to see something different sometime.

  8. I have to admit i love everuthing pixar does, even if its all similar

  9. Some interesting points you have here. Especially with the Pixar name, it just goes to show that big names sell.

  10. I didn't even know this film existed.

  11. Never heard of this movie, i'm gonna put it in my to-whatch list. +follow

  12. I'll have to give this a watch sometime. Thanks.

  13. This was an excellent movie. I've always been a big fan of Wes Anderson and this was no exception. Brilliant!

  14. Wait, George Clooney? Need to watch this!!

  15. Yeah, very good movie, its a thumbs up!

  16. Animation movies are my favorite, well combined with comedies, I've seen this movie already and it's great =)

  17. Hahaha, I'm not sure I'll see this still.

  18. umm.. im not that into animation movies, but good post tho (:

  19. It was pretty good. Good voice talent. "Are you cussin' with me?"

  20. Whats the problem with pixars

  21. Well I hate some of the pixar movies too, but not everything is shit, btw nice blog, clean and straight. following you.

  22. i like your selection of movies. you went from a superhero movie to a childish movie about a fox... whats next??

  23. I will be sure to check it out.

  24. I have to admit, I do enjoy the pixar shorts at the beginning of the movie, usually more than the movie itself.

  25. I think Pixar is an incredible company - regardless of what discresions some people might take up with them about their style and way of business, they're an incredible animation company and can always be regarded as pushing the limits of whats possible with 3-D animation.

  26. I saw this movie even though it doesn't have a stamp saying Pixar.

  27. Despite this blog, I'm still a Pixar fan. Great read though!

  28. god, aslong as it isnt as bad as cats and dogs 2.

  29. I liked it when Disney released awesome classical hand drawn movies. I don't like these computer made ones :( I guess it's just the child in me...

  30. @LadyS - Agreed!

    Thanks for sharing, will definitely check this one out!
